The Tamaga Emulator An excellent emulator for Windows, created by johnzero@telnet.hu get it from http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~johnzero/tamaga/

Tamagotchi Simulator Just like the real thing ! By tooh@asianet.co.th get it from http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/6166/

Pc Whiskers A virtuall cat. By megabrat@pacbell.net get it from http://www.flyingfroginteractive.com/

Happy House A pet hamster for your PC. By MXE01302@niftyserve.or.jp get it from http://www.maniform.com/stuff/hamster.htm

Tamago Another Tamagotchi Simulator. By thespaniard@hotmail.com get it from http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2223/tamago.zip

Nest-Chi A virtuall pet for windows. By Nest Soft, get it from http://www.maido.to/software/eggy.zip

Pixl Pal A virtual pet for windows. By marumari@aol.com get it from http://www.pixlsoftware.com/

Desktop 'Things'

Tam Companion A tamagotchi that sits on your desktop and winks at you. By Ncells@aol.com get it from http://www.maido.to/software/tamafever.zip

Tamagotchi Icons Very cool icons for your PC desktop. By jakpot1@ix.netcom.com get the gen1 (http://www.maido.to/software/gen1.zip) or gen2 (http://www.maido.to/software/gen2.zip)

Animated Cursor An animated Tamagotchi cursor. By jakpot1@ix.netcom.com get it from http://www.maido.to/software/tamani.zip

E-Sheep A cool sheep that runs around your desktop. By http://huizen.dds.nl/~tera/ get it from http://www.maido.to/software/esheep.exe

Top Cat A cat that chases your pointer around the desktop. By robert@ruble.fml.tuwien.ac.at. Get it from http://www.maido.to/software/topcat!.exe


Tamagotchi RPG A cool game. By JennyLN@aol.com. Get it from http://www.maido.to/software/tamrpg.zip.


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