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Tuesday 17th February 1998
Today my twins died, I knew they would go home soon as they needed praising almost once an hour. Then at about 11.00 I saw them looking cross, I pressed B and the screen went black, it opened in two then a dot rose up. Then the screen scrolled to the left and THANKS appeared in big letters.
I have hatched Snowball today, since I have noticed that it is very hard to get other characters other than the Kuri-Ten on the Angelgotchi I am taking drastic mesures to get a new character.
Wednesday 18th February
Today Snowball became the Tako-Ten, yay! I am now treating him well to see what will happen.
Thursday 19th February
Snowball became the Puku-Ten, horray. He is very funny when he smiles or looks annoyed. I am hoping to get the Cactus.
Saturday 21st February
As today was my birthday Snowball had lots of fun. He got to see the Titanic the movie and then when we got home, he helped me blow out the candels on my Tamagotchi Birthday cake (by moving him very quickly about near the candles). Finally before going to bed we played the Tamagotchi board game, but Snowball did indeed get Bored and fell asleep.
Sunday 22nd February
Today Snowball went for a walk, when came back his eyes were wide open and he was sitting down. There was a square to his left. Some people think that this is him sitting on the toilet reading the bible (the square is the bible), some people think that he is sitting on the Porch and the square is a flower pot.
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