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Monday 9th February
Those twins are so sweet, I hope they live for ages, even though I have heard that they get very difficult to take care of, I have added alot of stuff with the help of Pancakes to my web page, they say that next time the door appears they will talk to all the angels in angel city so that we can builf some character profiles, they also helped me do a plot for a rather interesting project me and some other Tamagotchi obsesed people are working on, lets just say it will be a game involving a famous Mame and Mimi-Chi and some Angels. I can't say much. Whilst I was doing my homework since the twins have an aversion to work I placed them on a tape player whilst I played a winter harp tape. Tommorow will be door day, I will keep looking at my Angel so I know when the door appears.
Tuesday, 10th February
Again today the Pancakes didn't go for a walk so tommorow is Door Day again. Me and the Pancakes read some more ghost stories. Maple Syrup Pancake (M.Pancake) was a little scare so tommorow I will read some funny books. They fell asleep as normal.
Wednesday, 11th February
Today I started reading a Red Dwarf book to the pancakes. Then at about 1.45pm they went for a walk. I waited so they could do what ever they wanted to then called them back. They looked really annoyed. I finished reading the Red Dwarf book to them.
Thursday, 12th February
Oh No! Today I was trying to play with Pancakes and use the computer at the same time. I fed some snacks to them and didn't notice the Bat had come until it was too late. I must get their Deeds back up. I was reading some horror stories to them today as Lemon Pancake (L.Pancake) prefers horror to comedy (they are very different!) and as I was reading the stories M.Pancake convinced them to go for a walk. I am nervous that my twins will die tommorow as other peoples twins have a tendancy to die at 12/13. Tommorow it will be the twin's 12th birthday and Friday the 13th. Oh No!
Friday, 13th February
I got Pancake's happiness back up, they helped me write my e-mail and they have issued a special request, they want to write in my diary. I have told them I will let them do so soon, nothing else special happened today.
Sunday, 14th February
Today me and the Pancakes watched Red Dwarf night, they both enjoyed it L.Pancake enjoyed the big explosions and M.Pancake enjoyed the comedy.
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