Many of you have japanese angles but can't read the instructions, here are some simple instructions in english.

1. Before you begin your Anglegotchi

1. Remove the strip from the side an a ghost will apear.

2. Set the time by pressing b to get to time, A to advance hours and B to advance minutes. Press C when time is correct.

2. To help your Angle

Sometimes when you feed your Angle candie a bat will apear tap your angle on the right side just below the line to scare it off. If you are not succesful happiness will go down.

3. Icons

For the 1st batch the icons are the same as the Tamagotchi, for the second the icons are different. The italics refer to batch 1 icons and the bold refer to batch 2 icons.

Check Meter (The same as on Tamagotchi) (First icon across, looks like a heart shaped scale)

Selecting this is the check meter. The first screen at the top is the angle's age in days, at the bottom is Tenshi power (angle power) this is increased by feeding it candy. Different characters have different max tenshi powers. Pressing A or B, will bring up happiness this is increased by praising it when it needs. Next screen is stomach which is increased by feeding pie, the next is Confidence which is increased by pressing game (see table)

Number Of Succesful Leaps Confidence hearts filled











Reward (Looks Like Discipline) (First icon on bottom row looks like bell)

Selecting this will reward your Angle, do this when it praises you. You will know when it praises you as it will look happy and the attention icon is lit, it only beeps when it praises you when it's an adult. Praising it causes confidence to go down but happiness to go up.

Meal (Knife and fork) (Second icon, looks like a ladel)

The top selection is pie, this increases stomach, the bottom one is chocolate this increases Tenshi Power..

Game (Bat and ball) (3rd icon, top row, looks like a star)

Avoid the shooting stars by jumping, press A or B to jump and use good timing. For increase in confidence see above table.

Clean (The Duck) (Last icon on the top row, looks like a winged butt)

Selecting this will clean up the Angle's poop.

Vaccination (Needle) (2nd icon, bottom row looks like a bow and arrow)

When the angle gets sick a skull will apear, use the Vaccination to make him better, sometimes 2 or 3 shots will be needed. If you are not successful you will get the Deviltchi.

Light (Light Bulb) (3rd icon, bottom row looks like torch)

When anglegotchi falls asleep select light, top selection is on, bottom selection is off.

Attention (Two Faces) (Angleface)

When angle requires attention, needs praising or the door apears this will appear when you have helped it it will dissapear.


4. When The Angle goes home

After studying hard and improving itself on the Earth with you, the Angle will say goodbye to you. If you press the B button the angle will fly to angle city. Then you can see a message from your Angle.

To raise the next angle press A and C together. If you get a Devil nothing can be done, press A and C to start again.

5. Sound

To turn off the sound go to the Angle screen (not time) and press A and C together, to turn it back on press A and C together again.


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